8th Annual Tower of Toys Donates Holiday Gifts to Spaulding Youth Center Students
January 08, 2020

Manchester, NH – Spaulding Youth Center is excited to announce it was selected as a recipient of holiday gifts from the 8th Annual Tower of Toys. This is the third consecutive year that the organization has received toys and gifts for the children and families it serves.
The Tower of Toys is an annual toy collection hosted by local businesses based in Manchester, NH. The toy tower is built in a glass showcase within the atrium of the Beacon Building, located at 814 Elm Street in Manchester, NH. To celebrate the holiday spirit that provides support to so many local families in need, the Tower of Toys effort culminates with a Mingle & Jingle event. This celebratory event is designed to not only cherish the holiday season but also to watch the tower grow as event attendees contribute additional unwrapped toys. This is the 8th consecutive year the Tower of Toys has provided support for local children and families in need.
“The holidays can be a difficult time for many families across New Hampshire,” said Carol Lawrence, Tower of Toys Founding Sponsor and Red Arrow Diner President. “The Tower of Toys is one small way we can brighten holiday memories for these displaced and disadvantaged families. All of the sponsoring businesses are beyond proud to continue our efforts each year to help the growing number of individuals who need our help. As one of our gift recipients, Spaulding Youth Center is a well-respected organization who serves underserved children and families every day through programs and services on their campus.”
Spaulding Youth Center serves many students and families from the greater Manchester area and is honored to accept the donations on behalf of these local children and their families. The gifts were distributed to those children who live on its campus in Northfield, New Hampshire as well as to day student families who were in need during the holiday season.
“We are honored that the Tower of Toys has chosen to enrich our children’s holiday season again this year,” said Susan C. Ryan, President & CEO of Spaulding Youth Center. “Their generosity over the past three years has provided countless bright memories for the children and families we serve. There is nothing more magical than a child’s delight on Christmas morning and the Tower of Toys has provided so much more than just toys and gifts with their substantial donation.”
To learn more about Tower of Toys, visit https://www.facebook.com/toweroftoysnh/.
About Spaulding Youth Center
Spaulding Youth Center is a leading provider of services for children and youth with neurological, emotional, behavioral, learning and/or developmental challenges, including Autism Spectrum Disorder and those who have experienced significant trauma, abuse or neglect. Services include academic, behavioral health, residential, foster care, health and wellness and family support. Spaulding Youth Center is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit. For information about Spaulding Youth Center, visit www.spauldingyouthcenter.org.
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