Caroline Hanly – A Veteran Nurse Finds Her New Village
July 31, 2020
A nursing veteran, Caroline Hanly has over twenty-seven years of nursing experience, including management, education and mentoring of nursing staff as well as facilitating the ongoing assessment of patient and family needs to implement a coordinated team care plan. Prior to joining Spaulding, she worked as Nursing Supervisor and an Emergency Department Registered Nurse at LRGHealthcare in Laconia, New Hampshire. During an emergency room shift, Caroline met a Spaulding staff member who was there with a sick child. This staff member instantly felt Caroline would make a great addition to Spaulding’s team, and coincidentally, there was a Health Services Supervisor position available!
After a few conversations, Caroline was offered the position of Health Services Supervisor at Spaulding and she eagerly embarked on her new role. Her personal experience with Spaulding children as a campus neighbor and previous services provider is second only to her outstanding professional and compassionate experience. Caroline is an excellent culmination of hands-on experience, patient and family advocacy, and motivational mentor. On campus, Caroline sees herself as an equal to her health services colleagues. She loves collaborating with them and notes that everyone is so helpful and friendly.
Caroline’s favorite thing about working at Spaulding is seeing the strong bonds between students and staff members. She notes that most adults have not endured the trauma and remarkably difficult situations which the Spaulding kids have persevered. In fact, she believes that most adults would not be able to cope if they similar experiences. She is continually inspired by the children and their incredible resilience. After all the disappointments these special children have faced in their little lives, they have become warriors dedicated to survival. Caroline attributes the many student successes on campus and beyond to the dedicated Spaulding staff members.
Though she has earned almost three decades of nursing experience, Caroline is amazed at the professional appreciation she witnesses every day on Spaulding campus. She is impressed with how genuinely appreciative the senior leadership team is of each and every staff member. On campus, it truly takes a village, and Caroline is so happy to be a part of Spaulding’s.