Catrina Bosh– Teaching and Learning Unforgettable Lessons
March 11, 2020
Catrina Bosh began working as a Teaching Associate at Spaulding Youth Center in 2008. She was drawn to the position after learning about Spaulding’s unique students and knew she was up for the challenge. In her role, Catrina is responsible for assisting students in the classroom, orchestrating projects and leading various activities. Though it is her job to assist in teaching these special children, she cannot help but reflect on the invaluable lessons they have taught her.
Her favorite thing about Spaulding is the special events the organization hosts and celebrates. She especially enjoys Pride Week, Autism Awareness Month and annual Spaulding School events, including Field Day, the Authors Tea and Winter Carnival. These annual campus happenings provide instructive and therapeutic outcomes for students, and Catrina loves seeing how these celebrations bring students and staff members together for a positive and productive experience.
Catrina feels that Spaulding Youth Center truly is a big family. She has formed long-lasting bonds with her colleagues and enjoys coming to work every day to make new memories. One particular memory that stands out to her is the time she successfully performed the Heimlich maneuver on a coworker. Thanks to her ongoing professional training and safety recertifications, that cherry tomato did not stand a chance!
From the robust portfolio of programs and services, Catrina believes that Spaulding’s career education opportunities are perhaps the most meaningful. This particular program has enabled students to successfully develop strong work habits through campus positions as well as establish off-campus opportunities at local businesses. Catrina notes that this career education helps students foster independence, gain self‐confidence and develop real-life skills they can transfer to their future.
In her spare time, Catrina enjoys kayaking and playing disc golf. She also enjoys spending time with her beloved nieces and nephews.