Jennifer McAllister: Sharing Spaulding Academy’s Mission with Others
November 21, 2023
It was just six years ago when Jennifer McAllister joined Spaulding Academy & Family Services as a staff accountant.
She says, “I had held similar positions in other New Hampshire nonprofits and when I saw the job posting, I knew I had to apply. Having grown up in Northfield, I’ve always known about Spaulding Academy, their mission, and how they helped kids. The role was a perfect fit, and my heart has been full since my first day.”
Now the Revenue Specialist and Payroll Coordinator, Jennifer has consistently taken on more responsibility and been promoted through different roles as the finance department grew to a team of four full-time and one part-time staff. She shares, “I love working with others dedicated to making younger lives just a little bit better.”
Jennifer recalls the first time the accounting team sat down with Spaulding Academy’s then-CFO. “Todd shared a meal with us where we were all simply chit chatting and getting to know each other without job titles and positions making a difference. It was an extremely valuable experience as a new employee.”
Close to finishing her bachelor’s degree in finance from Granite State College, Jennifer already plans to take advantage of Spaulding’s tuition reimbursement to pursue a master’s degree. In the interim, the organization has already sponsored her to earn a Fundamentals in Payroll certification and she’ll be taking the exam to become a certified payroll professional in the spring!
When she’s not working, Jennifer combines her love of landscape photography with her enjoyment of camping and hiking in the White Mountains.