Spaulding Youth Center is Selected as Recipient of Plymouth State University Angel Tree Project Donations
January 23, 2020

Northfield, NH – Spaulding Youth Center is honored to announce it was chosen as a gift recipient by the Angel Tree Project, an annual program organized by Plymouth State University (PSU). The program provides gifts and necessities for children in the community whose families need extra support during the holiday season.
Since 1994, the Angel Tree Project has worked to make the holiday season a joyful time of year for local children and families in need by coordinating with non-profit organizations which serve them. After program organizers determine how many children need holiday gifts from participating organizations, a holiday tree is decorated with tags detailing desired gifts and needed necessities for hundreds of children. Once the tree is finished, PSU students, faculty, staff and other community members generously volunteer to become a child’s holiday angel, purchasing items on the tags for him or her. This year, the Angel Tree Project worked with 14 community partners and provided gifts for 317 local children.
Spaulding Youth Center is a long-time recipient of gifts from the Angel Tree Project. For the 2019 holiday season, 51 students, ranging in age from six through twenty, received gifts through this year’s Angel Tree Project. Toy requests included tablets, gift cards, games and crafts and requested necessities included toiletries, winter gear and pajamas. The gifts were distributed to many children who live on Spaulding’s campus in Northfield, New Hampshire as well as several day student families and families served by Spaulding’s Community-Based Family Support programs who were in need during the holiday season.
“We are deeply thankful for programs like the Angel Tree Project for providing gifts for our students this past holiday season,” shared Amanda Champagne, Director of Residential Services at Spaulding Youth Center. “The generous gifts given by PSU students, staff and community members helped our children and their families feel remembered and special during a time of year that can be financially challenging for many of our families. It is inspiring to see how dedicated Plymouth State University is to helping community members in need through this wonderful program.”
To learn more about the Angel Tree Project, contact Casey Krafton in the PSU Office of Community Impact at
About Spaulding Youth Center
Spaulding Youth Center is a leading provider of services for children and youth with neurological, emotional, behavioral, learning and/or developmental challenges, including Autism Spectrum Disorder and those who have experienced significant trauma, abuse or neglect. Services include academic, behavioral health, residential, foster care, health and wellness and family support. Spaulding Youth Center is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit. For information about Spaulding Youth Center, visit
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